We meet twice a month and the meetings take on two different formats – CLUB NIGHT and SATURDAY CLUB


The club meets at 19:00 on the third Tuesday of every month.  We usually have a professional turner, guest turner or club member to demonstrate projects and techniques for others to try in your own workshop.  Look at our PROGRAMME page for information on who is demonstrating

We use a high definition, multi camera presentation setup, with a large display so that members can clearly see the turning process being demonstrated.  Images from this are also captured and included in our monthly Newsletter, posted on this website

Come along to the club as a guest initially, to see if you would like to join (guest entry £4, a maximum of 3 visits)


We encourage progression for members at all levels of experience so we also run a Saturday Club.  This offers hands on training and advice using our Club lathes.  The format is fairly flexible and covers a wide range of techniques from the most basic tool control and sharpening to more complex and advanced techniques

Each session costs £5 and relies on participants helping to set up and clear away the room afterwards

A typical Saturday meeting starts at 08:00 with room setup

Notices are given and the session begins at 08:45

Break for refreshments and a chat at 10:30

Pack away and clean-up starts at 12:30 ready for a 13:00 finish

All meetings are held at the St. Nicholas Church Hall, Belmont Grove, Bedhampton, Havant, Hants. PO9 3PU