Market Place
Workshop equipment, supplies and associated items, either for sale or wanted may be advertised on this page.
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Good quality velcro loop backed abrasives are available at a special club members price
Grits available: 80, 120, 180, 240, 320, 400, 600, 800
£3 a metre roll or 4 for £10
Available at most club meetings

It comes with a set of accessories.
• Four different tool rests
• Two faceplates
• Three drive centres
• Two live centres
• Two Jacobs Chucks

Exclusively for FoBWTA Members
Record CL5 - Woodturning Lathe
This solid and reliable lathe has proved to be a very potent machine, producing wonderful work and is still popular with turners from all backgrounds. Its solid stainless-steel bars make it very stable and ideal for the smaller workshop, mounted on a suitable base or bench.
1/3HP 3 speed
Thread: 3/4 x 16 TPI
Exclusively to FoBWTA Members for
only £110.00 (Check Ebay prices)
Contact the Chairman
07749 755275
Socket Set
Useful for doing up older types of cars.

Stewart System
The Stewart turning system arm brace, incomplete set. Extra sections for the system and spare parts can be obtained from Robert Sorby – Open to offers

Contact Clare 07719 358 557
Please note that if anyone is interested, then the buyers will be responsible for collection or delivery.