Written by Don Smith


As the club was attending, the Stanstead Garden Show there was no club however a number of members attended the show either as manning, the stand or do a turn demonstrating, or just visiting. From the reports back it was very successful.

Just a reminder that the Saturday club will be back on the 13th July usual time.



The meeting was brought to order by our chairman, who welcomed new members and guests, who were joining us after visiting us on the stand at Stanstead. Richard also thanked all those members who helped set up and break down after the show with a special thanks to Kate for all her hard work. To all those members who attended and supplied turned items either for sale or display.
Another announcement was the sad news that of one of our members Walter Siegerist sadly passed away on 3rd June 2024.
It was then time to welcome Dave to the lathe to start the shavings flying.
Dave thanked the members and stated that his demonstration would be a Lattice lid for a box.
Taking a blank of timber (large enough to be able to turn it to 100mm diameter), Dave placed it on to the lathe using a wooden face plate and pressure from the tailstock to make it friction drive. Then reduced it circumference down to 100mm. Photo 1.

Photo 1

Dave picked up the wooden faceplate and explained that it was now time to think about offsetting the disc.
The idea is to mark a point 18mm from the centre of the wooden faceplate, draw a 100mm diameter circle and drill four small holes around the circumference. Photo 3 shows the holes drilled with the disc attached using four screws. Before screwing, the disc onto the faceplate a small hole had been drill at the 18mm offset point with the drill inserted through the disc and into the faceplate hole the disc could then be firmly screwed in place.
Marking a 55mm diameter circle on the offset Dave stated that he was going to remove the centre of the offset circle leaving a small recess for later on.
Photo 4

Once satisfied with the thickness, the disc was removed, and by using masking tape and super glue. (This was a tried and tested idea from John Wyatt. The idea is that you place masking tape on both faces apply super glue to one face and activator to the other and press them together).
With the disc securely in place, Dave turned the overall thickness down to 6mm removed it from the lathe and peeled off the masking tape. Photo 2

Photo 2
Photo 3
Photo 4

Satisfied with the result the disc was removed from the lathe and picking up a disc of Sapele.  Fixing it to the faceplate in the same way as the main disc to reduce it to the correct diameter before adding an insert recess. Photo 5
Checking the recess against the main disc photo 6 for a perfect fit.

Photo 5
Photo 6

Once satisfied it was time to turn the first part of the latticework using a small parting tool Dave proceeded to turn the rings as seen in photo 7.

Photo 7

It was unfortunate that Dave had a catch and had to stop the demonstration on this piece.
However, Dave was able to send me some photos of a finished piece, which follow.

After a light sanding, it was removed from the lathe ready for the next operation.
Replacing the original back using the masking tape technique then fixing the Sapele disc into the recess he proceeded to face off the disc to the right thickness before starting to groove the whole piece. As shown in Photo 8

Photo 8
Photo 7
Photo 10
Photo 11

Photo 9 shows the piece, as it should have looked before the snatch, whilst photo 10 is showing the two pieces separated and photo11 is the small lattice turned through 180 degrees changing the pattern. Thanks Dave for the photos.
It was refreshments time and this evening Kate had made two cakes for all the members to enjoy, the next photo is of one of those cakes.

After the competition results had been read out Dave continued by stating that he would turn a box for his lid but changed it to a Gruel Bowl which is somewhere in photo 12

Steve Hugo had asked the members if they would be willing to turn a Gruel Bowl for OLIVER a play that St James C of E school was putting on.
The response was overwhelming photo 12.
Steve took the opportunity to thank everyone ffor their generosity.

Photo 12

The last two photos are of the Competition table and of the Gallery table.

Article written by Don Smith with photos supplied via the club computer, Dave Hutchings and by myself